Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So tomorrow AUGUST 13th 2008 is my 14th ANNIVERSARY...I cannot belive that I have been married to my WONDERFUL HUSBAND for fourteen years, where have the years went? I mean we have 3 beautiful kids and we have had our fair share of problems, tragedies, losses, and MORE, but we have made it through and I believe that it has made us STRONGER :) I love him now more than ever and I hope that NOTHING ever changes...I really do feel that he feels the same...He is treating me to a massage tomorrow, my first one ever...I cannot wait :) He is going to get one too...lol...why not and then we are off to lunch and he even arranged for the babysitter for the kids, so he did GOOD :)
I will definately post and let you know how my massage went...I hope it is as great as I want it to be...lol. I was thinking it was like a manicure (definately needed) or a pedicure (needed too) but nope he arranged for the massages, so that is COOL...I am still amazed at the 14 years :) I guess I am PROUD TOO :)
Well I am off to get a small snack and then to bed early tonight for my early and exciting day!
Oh and one more thing, while on vacation we got a new outdoor game called LADDERBALL that I am sure alot of you have heard of, but I just want to say it is AWESOME...for real...I love it! If you ever get a chance to try it or get it...it is a DEFINATE GREAT BUY!
THANKS and have a super night!

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