Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday's make me NUTS....

Yes you read that right, Fridays make me NUTTY :) At least every other Friday, my hubby goes out to work 12 hour shifts every other weekend 3 in a row and it is like CRAZY around this house, he is MOODY, the kids want to do EVERYTHING that there is to do, I like to do housework and laundry and my school work is due on the weekends, so basically every other weekend at our house is CRAZY WILD! Want to join us? LOL
I just opened an account on FACEBOOK, actually I had done this like forever ago and just now had the time to go in and investigate it :) Honestly I think I like it and I have found a ton of people, friends, people that I graduated with, and more :) Pretty neat and it is kind of taking the place of myspace :)
I made some cute bears for a lady, they are girly bears wearing bikini's SO CUTE :)
I also sold a couple of my little critter cozy's :)
Okay well I am heading in to watch movies with the kids and go to bed :)
We are watching Beverly Hills Chihuahua
Then taking a break to watch HOWIE DO IT!
Then Space Buddies is on deck if they are still up!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Oh and I am almost done with the last book in the TWILIGHT series :( Breaking Dawn, what to read next :) ??????????

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